Prior to beginning any laser treatments, it is necessary to complete a free assessment and patch test with our staff.

Patch tests are a necessary part of the consultation prior to your full treatment. The patch test provides information to both you and your practitioner. A patch test is the use of the laser carried out on a small area of skin, just as it will be in your full treatments.

Its main purpose is to determine the best laser to use and what precise grade of laser energy is required to achieve the best results for your skin and hair type. This is because each laser has its specialities, lighter skin, darker skin, fine hair and so on. But within each laser there are also numerous settings that can be adjusted to give you the most effective treatment. As needed more than one patch tests could be tried using different lasers to ensure we are using the best laser for you.

Its secondary purpose and use is a mini sample for you to gauge what your treatment will be like and how it will feel. If you are wondering what really happens, the sensation, if it is painful, how your skin will react and so on then the patch test is the perfect opportunity to get all of this answered without being booked in for a full treatment.

Lastly, a patch test will indicate to you and your practitioner any adverse side effects or highlight any problems prior to a full treatment. Since it is carried out on just a small patch of skin, if there are any problems they will be minimal. The test is done several days before your first full treatment so that any reactions have time to appear and your treatment plan can be adjusted if necessary, to ensure effective results with minimal side effects.

With our highly trained specialists using the lasers, risk of side effects is very minimal but the patch test is a very good safety net for you and your technician to be absolutely certain and proceed safely ahead with your full treatment plan.